Jan 8, 2018
Remember how captivating it was when you first fell in love with your spouse? Every moment was special. As real life takes over, that memory can grow less vivid, and you might not feel like the center of their world as often. That’s where the Weekend to...
Dec 25, 2017
June 17, 2014 By Richard Asa, Special to Tribune Newspapers Couples can reap big benefits by attending a retreat — but first, they both need to agree on one There are hundreds of options for couples retreats — and as many different approaches and environments....
Sep 20, 2017
By Drs. Les and Leslie ParrottSeptember 20, 2017 Fall is a beautiful and exciting time of year, with changing leaves, football season in full swing, and holidays right around the corner. Take advantage of the cooler weather and the wide variety of seasonal...
Jan 30, 2017
Don’t miss this opportunity to rejuvenate & reconnect with your spouse at one of the best marriage retreats offered anywhere! You won’t regret the investment of time & money you’ll make in your relationship. Your Weekend to Remember will be...
Apr 6, 2016
Keep Your Love On reveals the higher, Jesus–focused standard defined by mature love—love that stays ‘on’ no matter what. Danny Silk’s practical examples and poignant stories will leave you with the power to draw healthy boundaries, communicate in love, and ultimately...