May 22, 2021
Praying Psalm 30 By Jennifer Day This Psalm I began to pray, and God has kept bringing me back to it. I have changed some of the words to it to personalize it- but is based off of Psalm 30. It is a testament of what God has done for me. God I praise you, I worship you...May 17, 2021
A Psalm on the Character of God By Carla Matthews My God, Almighty King, You are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in loyal love and faithfulness. You are compassionate. Your kindness to me is reflected in the beauty and color of your creation. The...May 10, 2021
A Personal Psalm of My Attempt to Find Sabbath Rest in the Day to Day Busyness of My Life By Anonymous The busyness of my days, have been like cicadas abuzz on warm summer nights that rob me of the still quiet that I long for and for which You now call me into. I...May 10, 2021
A Psalm of Confession based on Fruit of the Spirit By Karin Lord, hear my confession. My enemies pursue and I do not flee to you. Instead I let their attacks rob me of who you are. Indifference rules my life instead of love. May I love according to your steadfast...Apr 26, 2021
A Psalm of An Awareness of Glory By Anonymous A simple pathway amid ravishing grandeur.The profane with the Profound.I see one or the other. Come, Holy Spirit.You see both together. Me in You. Share a Psalm Praying the Psalms More Things Shared by Folks at BC A Psalm...Apr 26, 2021
A Psalm of Restoration By Lisa Hart Recounting times when I held onto grief and stress until my body became so ill that I cried out for physical as well as spiritual and mental salvation and restoration. Your everlasting kindness is a feast of unbearable hope I could...