Please note that parents may want to take their children in the middle of a crisis or emergency. It is the safest option to ask the parents to stay with you and the class until the event is over. If they refuse, you cannot keep them or their children. Do your best to adjust your class count/roster, keep the other children calm and assured that their parents will be coming for them soon.

In Case of Fire

  1. Teachers, remain calm, and be sure to take the class roster and emergency cards with you.
  2. Gather children and walk them out while holding hands/walking rope to the exits listed below. If you are in the nursery, carry children out 2-3 at a time (use pack and plays if needed).
    • Nursery – Toddlers: Exit the office entrance on the side of the building and proceed across the parking lot and over the curb to the building directly opposite (where the dumpsters are located) and have the children remain seated along the side of the building. Stay together as a class.
    • Preschool – Elementary: Exit the front entrance of BC and walk across the parking lot to the sidewalk in front of the Maxim Office Center and have all children sit in front of the building. Stay together as a class.
  3. Once you are gathered outside, check children off the class roster to make sure you have everyone. Hold up Emergency Cards to communicate with the Emergency Response team.
    • Green Card = Everyone in my group is accounted for.
    • Red Card = I am missing at least one individual from my group.
    • Yellow Card = I have at least one extra individual in my group.
    • White Card = Someone in my group needs medical attention

In Case of Tornado

  1. Teachers, remain calm, and be sure to take the class roster and emergency cards with you.
  2. Safe place assignments for each classroom are as follows:
    • Nursery & Walkers: Nursery Closet
    • Toddlers & Twos, 3s, and Pre-K & Kindergarten A: 4s/5s room along back wall
    • Pre-K & Kindergarten B and both Elementary: Main adult bathrooms
  3. Once you are gathered together, check children off the class roster to make sure you have everyone. Stay together as a class.

In Case of an Intruder/Active Shooter

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Lock down the room. Lock and secure/barricade all doors. For split doors, make sure the top section is latched.
  3. Get out of sight. Get the class as far away from any doors or windows as possible. Turn tables on side and set children behind tables. 
  4. Stay put until someone from the BC Staff or Security Team comes to give you the all clear. NEVER go to the hall and check for yourself.

In Case of a Lost or Missing Child

  1. Immediately notify a BC Kids Staff member.
  2. We will need the following information for the security team:
    • What’s the child’s name?
    • What they were wearing?
    • Where they were last seen?
    • Who they were last seen with?
  3. The BC Kids Staff member will call it in on the radio and the security team takes it from there. If you are leading a class, you will need to return to the class in case the child returns.
  4. You will be notified when the child is found.

Safety in the Room: Reporting Injuries, Incidents, and Accidents

  • Minor incidents can be handled by an Adult Teacher. Every classroom comes equipped with a first aid kit. Please familiarize yourself with what’s available in the kit.
  • Major incidents or injuries may occur (e.g. cuts, bites, bruises, fingernail scrapes, bumps, allergic reactions, etc.). If anything like this, or something that would surprise a parent, happens follow these steps:
    • Contact Zack or Holly ASAP and explain the situation. BC Kids Staff are responsible to assess the situation, address the issue, connect with parent if necessary, and complete an incident report.
    • For incidents that involve two children, BC Kids Staff will call for both sets of parents. If it is a single child incident, they will call for that child’s parent. They will handle communication with the parents so that you can continue leading the class. If the parents have specific questions, they are welcome to speak directly to you, the teacher, but it is preferred for the BC Kids Staff to also be present.

Illness Policies

Spread the Love…Except in this Case: BC Kids Sick Policy

  • Oh no! Last minute unavailability due to illness/emergency…
    We want you and our families to be well. If you are experiencing flu-like or COVID-19 symptoms or any other illness, contact Zack/Holly ASAP and stay home to rest. We’ll coordinate a sub so you don’t need to stress.
  • If a child is exhibiting flu-like or COVID-19 symptoms while in class, even if you’re unsure,, immediately let Zack or Holly know so they can assess the situation and respond appropriately. 
  • If a child is asked to leave, please allow a BC Kids Staff or Adult Teacher to explain this to the parent.

Reporting Abuse

  1. Please be mindful to look for and communicate any signs or suspicions of abuse:
    Physical Abuse: Is non-accidental, serious physical injury of a child, including beatings, burns, bites, strangulation, or immersion in scalding water resulting in bruises, welts, broken bones, scars, or serious internal injuries. Watch for unexplained bruises, bites, black eyes, broken bones, fading bruises, or other noticeable marks.
    Sexual Abuse: Is sexual contact between a child and an adult or older child for the sexual gratification of the offender. It can include both physical and non-physical contact, and it is always forced. Watch for a child’s difficulty in walking or sitting or demonstration of bizarre, over-sophistication, or unusual sexual knowledge or behavior.
    Emotional Abuse: Is a pattern of behavior that attacks a child’s emotional development and sense of self-worth. Watch for extremely compliant, passive, aggressive, or demanding behaviors, delayed physical or emotional development, or talk of or attempted suicide.
    Neglect: Is the withholding of or failure to provide a child with the basic necessities of life: food, clothing, shelter, medical care, attention to hygiene, or supervision needed for optimal physical growth and development. Watch for frequently missed attendance, begging or stealing food or money, a lack of needed medical or dental care or glasses, a consistently dirty appearance or severe body odor, or alcohol or drug abuse.
  2. If you hear about or notice any of these signs, immediately let a BC Kids Staff member know. We’re mandated to report the incident to the Department of Human Services (DHS) within 24 hours.

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