Feb 4, 2018
FamilyLife Blended is a new offering from the Family Life Ministry that also does the Weekend to Remember conferences around the country, with which you might be familiar if you’ve been at Believers any length of time. FamilyLife Blended has a wealth of... Oct 10, 2017
Biological and blended families are going to function differently, but they do share one major similarity. By Ron L. Deal, Family Life 2017 I’ve been a therapist working with stepfamilies for over two decades, and I often can’t get couples to understand one... May 30, 2017
Challenges every single parent should consider before deciding to remarry. By Ron L. Deal, FamilyLife 2014 Specializing in stepfamily therapy and education has taught me one thing: Couples should be highly educated about remarriage and the process of becoming a...