How to Have a State of the Union Meeting

How to Have a State of the Union Meeting

Kimberly Panganiban, MA, LMFTMarch 22, 2021The State of the Union is a time to reflect on the relationship and share both things that are working well and things that need to be addressed. What I see with the couples I work with is that things build up over time and...
How to Have a State of the Union Meeting

2 Reasons We Give Up On Goals (And How to Overcome Them)

 By Laura Guida, PREPARE/Enrich Blog,December 30, 2020Longing for self-improvement or achievement is an all too familiar feeling we seem to get around this time of year. We look forward to what’s to come and think that something magical will happen on January...
How to Have a State of the Union Meeting

Communication During Coronavirus: Listening and Learning

 Communication affects how safe and secure we feel in our relationships as well as our level of intimacy.In the Coronavirus era, many couples have been confronted by an all-new dichotomy. We are home more often and physically closer than ever before, but we’re...
How to Have a State of the Union Meeting

Conversational Boundaries without Stonewalling

Difficult conversations can lead to flooding. Here are steps to remain calm while staying present for    yourself and your partner. Anna Aslanian, LMFTNovember 12, 2020 Difficult conversations can lead to flooding. Learn how to set conversational...