BC Story – Linda Derricott – 2020

Statement of Faith

We believe that God created man and that He created them male and female. As such He created them different so as to complement and complete each other. God instituted monogamous marriage between male and female as the foundation of the family and the basic structure of human society. Therefore, we perform and mentor marriages in accordance with Biblical guidelines. (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6; John 4:16-18; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 5:11, 6:9-11. 6:18-20, 7:1-3 and 7:8-9; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:3-7; 1 Timothy 1:9-11)

Be Encouraged by God’s
Provision and Timing

Linda Shares about how her and her family struggled to sell their rental property after it had been damaged, but God… watch the video 

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BC STory – Nancy Smith – 2024

John has been dealing with a lot of right shoulder pain for about a year. He continued to work hard helping friends as much as he could despite the pain. And he recently made a trip to WA to attend a family reunion where he played 2 rounds of golf returning home on...

8 Tips to Revitalize Your Conversations

8 Tips to Revitalize Your Conversations

There’s something to be said for being comfortable enough with your spouse that you don’t mind sitting in companionable silence. It doesn’t feel awkward. Neither of you feels obligated to fill the space. You’re content just being together. On the flip side, your...